Using ICT
Using ICT, along with Communication and Using Mathematics, is one of the three statutory Cross Curricular Skills assessed and reported on using Levels of Progression.
Using ICT is about providing pupils with opportunities to acquire, develop, understand, demonstrate and apply ICT concepts and processes appropriately in a variety of contexts across the curriculum.
In St Marys we use ICT to allow pupils to showcase their work, collaborate with their peers and develop their problem solving capabilities.
We recognise the potential of ICT to engage in meaningful research, investigate, manage data and effectively present and discuss our achievements. We also use ICT to foster creativity through the control of devices such as Bee-Bot and the exploration of digital environments such as LOGO and Scratch.
We are, however, mindful of the dangers associated with the internet and have in place age appropriate materials to educate our pupils how to stay safe on line.
Using ICT to help with our classwork.
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ICT News
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313