Literacy in Our School
We in St. Mary’s Primary School believe that language is central to learning. The effective use of language is the concern of all our teachers across the curriculum at a level appropriate to the children’s development. This will be reflected in classroom practice through the provision of a coherent programme that integrates all aspects of Language and Literacy – Reading, Writing, Talking, Listening and Thinking Skills.
Pupils will be immersed in a stimulating print-rich environment and will have opportunities across all areas of the curriculum, to present their ideas, experiences and understanding in ways, which require a growing awareness of audience and purpose.
Contexts will be created in which children can develop and consolidate Language and Literacy skills. Progression will be seen in pupils’ increasing independence in talking, listening, reading, writing and thinking, their understanding and response to what they hear, read and write.
Literacy News
Accelerated Reading
The Year 3 – Year 7 children in the school will now have access to the Accelerated Reading Program.
This is a computerized program that tests reading comprehension. Students select books on their reading level, read independently, and take an independent comprehension test on the computer. Each book is worth a certain number of points based on its length and reading level. Students get a percentage of these points based on how many of the test questions they get right. The program tracks their progress over the course of the school year.
Welcome to the Millionaires' Club
Reading Achievement in St. Mary's
📚 Word Millionaires (Term 2)! 📚
📚 Word Millionaires (Term 1)! 📚
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313