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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher


2019/2020 School Year

20th May 2020
Each year in June, Year 7 children would have attended the 'Fan the Flame' Mass...
15th May 2020
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,...
15th May 2020
The Department of Education has launched an App called 'Safer Schools' designed...
10th May 2020
Well done to Lucy Sutton (Year 4) for completing this week's Scavenger Hunt. Unfortunately...
7th May 2020
In the good weather, the three Meenan girls carried out the Scavenger...
7th May 2020
Today, 7th May, STEM Ambassadors will be presenting a day of live-streamed activities...
1st May 2020
May is a lovely month of the year, when nature begins again to really bloom and...
30th Apr 2020
Here are some more maths challenges for May. There is one in there for all the family...
30th Apr 2020
Here are the answers to the April Monthly Maths Challenges. Hope you all had a go!
22nd Apr 2020
Why not snuggle up with your little one for some storytime with Mr Hullabaloo? ...