April Fools
There was no escaping April Fool’s Day in Year 7 today. The children played a range of pranks on the teachers (naturally) and had great fun doing it. From Iona’s brownies, the missing homework books and the 50p coins being stuck to the floor, there was plenty of craic to be had.
Today also marked the end of Mr McGowan’s teaching experience. We’ve all thoroughly enjoyed working with him over the past 10 weeks. The children appreciated his warm and affable nature. He fitted seamlessly into the classroom and built up strong relationships with everyone. We’d like to thank him for his energy, commitment and the many fond memories he has left behind.
As part of our fundraising efforts for Trocaire, Mr McGowan organised a ‘Soak the Teacher’ event today - not one of his better ideas I might add, but it’s safe to say the kids might disagree. Unfortunately, Fiona had just ‘got her hair done’ so wasn’t fit to be on the receiving end of these exploits, however, she did manage to throw the odd sponge.😀😀
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313