Nursery Autumn is here!
Well we’ve been loving our loose parts play both inside and outdoors. We’ve been busy outside cleaning tyres and making our own ramps and balancing beams. Indoors there were houses, castles, rocket ships made and yesterday a shell necklace for ‘Betty’- (The Scarecrow’s Wedding). We have been enjoying our daily snack and thanks to Claire, helping us in school with how to be really independent at buttering and pouring!!! We helped the teacher make the grass for a ‘Boo!’ display, practising our cutting skills and today some children began to create our very own big Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. Finally, we made our own orange play dough!
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313