Cake Sale for the Australian Bushfires
Our wonderful Year 5 children have been learning about the Australian Bushfires in school this month. They feel so strongly about the devastating effects of the bushfires that they’ve decided to hold a fundraising ‘Cake Sale’ event in school next Friday 31st January.
If any of our other parents/families, would like to support this cause, donations of cakes and treats would be extremely appreciated.
We ask all parents to please be vigilant that baked items and donated cakes do not include nuts as we have pupils with nut allergies.
On the day, our local Fire and Rescue Service hope to be attending and supporting our children in their efforts to raise money for this great cause.
Year 5 will be selling their cakes on Friday morning if pupils would like to bring in some change for a good cause!
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313