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Choir - Year 7 Leavers

12th Jun 2020

Dear Year 7 Choir Members,

I wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts over the last few months. Normally at this stage of the year, the choir is in overdrive, what with Year 7 Show, Feis, First Communion Mass, Community functions and the two end of year masses (never mind our trip)……and at this stage you’ve sung so much, you normally spend at least half of every rehearsal begging me to let you out to the playground!

I started this message by thinking how sad I am to have missed sharing those important milestones with you, but then I started thinking about all the special times we‘ve shared – times like the Advent Bluegrass services, singing at the new hospital and I felt so proud of you all, impressed, as always, with how brilliantly you represented our school, your families and yourselves.

We’ve been creating music in the choir together now for four years and I also had the privilege of teaching many of you for a year in Nursery and again in P5, so, as I hope you will appreciate, you are a special group of children to me!

I want to sign off by wishing you the very best of everything. Please take great care of yourselves and your families. Thank your parents and guardians for me, for all their support and encouragement over the years! I know that some of you will be the final member of your family to leave our school and it is so sad to be saying goodbye to your families after all this time.

Most of all, thank you for your hard work, your beautiful singing and for being your fabulous, lovely selves. I’ll miss you! Good luck in your new school and most importantly – keep singing!

Mrs Kelly

PS - If you follow the links below, they might bring back a few good memories!


The Crawdad Song

Humpty Dumpty, Michael Row & Homeward Bound