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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher
SCHOOL CLOSED Friday 14th March and Monday 17th March 2025 | ☕ Coffee Morning Friday 21st March ☕ 9.00-10.30am in the School Canteen.   | Stranmillis University Maths Course Week 3 on Friday 21st March @9.30am
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Eat Them to Defeat Them!

Our school is taking part in the 'Eat Them to Defeat Them' healthy eating campaign which starts on 20th February 2023!

80% of children don’t eat enough vegetables. The 'Eat Them to Defeat Them' campaign was created by Veg Power and ITV as a fun way to encourage children to eat more veg. More information is available here:

Your child will bring home a pack of information with a reward chart and sticker sheet.  Please get involved!