Engage Programme in St. Mary's
The Department of Education introduced the 'Engage Programme' last school year which provided additional funds to provide extra teaching support to all pupils.
The Engage Programme is to limit any long-term adverse impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on educational standards by supporting pupils’ learning and engagement through provision of high quality one to one, small group or team teaching support in every school in Northern Ireland.
This year, Miss Scullion will deliver the programme again each afternoon, working alongside the class teacher to address areas of need. The programme starts next week with Year 2 and Year 5 pupils and will then support Year 1 and Year 3 pupils after Halloween. Support for other classes will continue after Christmas.
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313