Farmer Dermot visits the Nursery
As part of our new topic ‘Old Macdonald’s Farm’, we have created a vets, where we have taken every sick animal in Nursery to over the last two weeks. We have created a sensory farm on the tuff tray and are learning about lots of different types of farming. This week we were washing the dirty farm animals, printing with vegetables and today, Andrea helped us plant our own.🤞
We had a special visitor, a real farmer- Granda Dermot, who came to see us today and told us all about looking after the animals on his farm. He showed us photos of cows, pigs, horses, the farm dog and different machinery such as: tractors, the slurry tanker and the JCB. Of course, we saw his great little helper doing lots of hard work too!
The children were able to ask lots of questions. A big thank you to Dermot for coming into school and being so generous.
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313