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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher
SCHOOL CLOSED Friday 14th March and Monday 17th March 2025 | ☕ Coffee Morning Friday 21st March ☕ 9.00-10.30am in the School Canteen.   | Stranmillis University Maths Course Week 3 on Friday 21st March @9.30am
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10th Nov 2021

The pupils have had great fun playing this new game during PE lessons, but what is futsal???

Futsal is a form of small-sided indoor football which is considered a development tool for 11-a-side football. The small amount of space means players need to develop their ball control and passing. The game’s emphasis is on creativity, technique and skill. 

David has been working with the children now for 4 weeks and we’ve witnessed a marked improvement in their skills during this time. Have a look at the photos and videos to get a flavour of the game.