May - the month of Mary
May is a lovely month of the year, when nature begins again to really bloom and there is new life in plants, trees, and flowers. The days are longer and brighter, and we begin to think about longer summer days ahead.
May is also a very special month for us as we remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all. A full month is given over by the Church to Mary and during this month we are asked to think about Mary, say special prayers to Mary, have May Altars, sing hymns to Mary, have May processions with statues of Mary, all to tell Mary how much we love her, to ask her to help us to stay close to her son Jesus and to try to live as Jesus shows us. Mary is special to us, in particular, as our school is named after her.
There are lots of ideas in our Home Learning Area in the Religion folder to help us celebrate Mary during the Month of May.
Here are a few ideas for you to do at home:
- Create your own May Altar inside or outside your house in the garden or yard
- Draw/Paint a picture of Mary and place it in your window
- Write a prayer to Mary asking for her blessing during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Look at the stories of Mary in the Bible. Choose your favourite and retell it in words and pictures
- Take time to pray quietly with one of the stories of Mary - this is called meditation
- Find as many hymns to Mary as possible - sing some of them together
- Say the Rosary together as a family-make your own Rosary Beads
- Complete some Mary craft activities
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313