Myon Digital Library
Our Myon digital library of over 5000 books is still available to all children, including those in Nursery. Your child's teacher has already provided login details for your child. Please ask your child's teacher if you need these re-issued.
The digital library is not designed to replace reading physical books but acts as an alternative or additional source of reading material. There is a direct link to Myon on our school website under 'Pupil Links'. The majority of digital books also have Accelerated Reader quizzes attached - which our pupils in Years 3-7 can avail of.
We ask parents/guardians to encourage and support your child using Myon - whether they are reading for enjoyment or for 'Accelerated Reading' purposes.
We hope to see this resource being used frequently by all our pupils.
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313