Newsletter March 2017
Dear parents,
We trust you and the children all had a happy mid-term break. We are really proud of Primary 7 so far this year. We have been working very hard and children are coming to school each day prepared to learn and succeed.
In Numeracy we will focus on the following topics this half-term:
- Consolidate reading time in 24hr notation
- Read and interpret simple timetables, applying knowledge to solve problems.
- Appreciate the relationship between different TIME zones
- Understand and use long division method
- Understand and use spreadsheets
- Appreciate concept of scale to represent lengths and distances.
- Use scale in maps and diagrams.
- Explore the concept of earning and develop an awareness of everyday expenses and the need for budgeting.
- Consolidate “value for money” in relation to earning
- Investigate the use of LOGO to generate mathematical shapes and designs
Your child has been provided with their login details for ALTA Maths. This programme motivates and engages your children and encourages them to become active participants in their mathematical learning. Please ensure your child completes the practice activities on a weekly basis to improve their speed of recall and to help develop understanding of mathematical concepts.
We will consolidate features of non-fiction texts, developing skimming and scanning skills for quick retrieval of information. The pupils will continue to work on comprehension strategies such as inference and close reading. We will focus on Reading For Information, through our topic Natural Disasters and Big Issues where pupils will identify the features of explanatory texts. They will use the glossary to show understanding of technical language and provide accurate information about their reading using a framework. The class will also continue to work on spelling strategies on a weekly basis.
Pupils will continue the accelerated reading programme where they read books at home and complete quizzes in school. We would appreciate if you could discuss the reading material with your child to expand their knowledge and understanding of the text. We are delighted with most pupils’ response to the Accelerated Reading programme and hope that their enthusiasm continues. Many have received certificates acknowledging their efforts in reaching their targets. Again we would encourage the children to read daily for 30 minutes and maintain a Reading Record book. We are confident that this sustained practice will foster a love of reading and help your child fulfil their potential in Language and Literacy.
World Around Us:
This half-term, our context for learning is “Natural Disasters”. Pupils will consider the difference between natural and man-made disasters. They will study a range of disasters, examining their causes and effects. They will use the internet to research recent disasters and share their findings with their peers.
Irish classes continue on Thursdays under the excellent tutelage of Mr. O’Farrell. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience a second language before moving to second level education. We’d encourage you to learn a ‘cúpla focal’ with your child.
Mrs. Deeney is taking the choir on Monday/Tuesday afternoon during school time. All pupils will continue their Tin Whistle sessions with the talented Miss Mc Bride on Wednesdays. Again please ensure your child comes prepared and practises regularly. The children will continue their preparation for the Year 7 Show, ‘The Little Mermaid’, with Aisling and Leanne. The performance dates are Monday 10th April and Tuesday 11th April (to be confirmed). Contact Angela in the school office to book tickets when they become available.
Mr. Loane’s class have now begun their swimming lessons in the Leisure Centre. This is a marvellous chance for your child to learn a life skill. Rest assured that the children are well supervised by experienced staff while in the pool. Please ensure your child comes fully prepared with appropriate gear and a towel on that day.
As you know the Confirmation date has been set for Saturday 25th March, the children have already begun the preparation for this. We would encourage you to play an active role in your child’s preparation. We will focus on ‘The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit’ and how we can display these in our daily lives. Help your children learn their prayers and ensure they participate in the parish programme also.
Mr Loane and Mrs Flanagan
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313