Newsletter Year 6 Nov/Dec 2020
Reading: - Become aware of the features of non-fiction books by examining the structure of a reference book – contents, index, glossary. We will identify the main features of an explanation text and interrogate a contents page to extract relevant information. Consideration will be given to the use of technical language, vocabulary and use of diagrams to enhance understanding in non-fiction books
Grammar: Pupils will focus on: identifying adverbs, use of comma and speech marks
Writing: Pupils will: Become aware of the format of a report, analysing the content, structure and features of this. We will develop the skill of note-taking by extracting relevant information and recognise the need for paragraphs when structuring written work
Handwriting: Pupils will focus on developing a legible and swift style of joined writing, presenting good layout and evaluating their work.
Mental Maths: Quick recall of number facts, addition and subtraction, number bonds, multiplication and division.
Number: Record amounts of money using appropriate notation
Apply 4 operations to solve money problems
Shape and Measures Realise how to find the area of regular and irregular shapes.
Find the perimeter of a shape, naming regular shapes and recalling properties.
All Topics are cross curricular to enable pupils to connect their learning.
November/December My Locality
Complete accelerated reading quizzes.
Interactive times tables & number bonds speed games
Develop ICT skills through Microsoft Teams
Homework activities will be written on the board and pupils will record their homework in HW notebook, where parents and teachers can write any notes/concerns.
Pupils will experience using Microsoft Teams to complete homework tasks when appropriate.
Spellings/Tables Mon to Thurs. for assessments on Fri. Please monitor your child’s progress and sign books.
How To Help Your Child
- Be Positive and encourage your child by showing an interest in their work.
- Praise always helps, at any age.
- Listen to your child reading aloud–talk about the story and meanings of any difficult words phrases etc. sign and comment in the Reading Record.
- Practise mental maths skills with pupils at all opportunities - E.g. Tables games, fast recall of number facts, rounding prices when shopping, calculating totals and change.
- Help pupils to research topics through search engines. reference books, visiting the Library and sharing personal experiences.
What should I do if my child is having a problem?
- Contact class teacher by note /phone after 3.
- Contact School / Principal
- Parents can maintain contact with the teacher through the homework diary or arrange an appointment through the office.
- All queries will be responded to promptly.
Key Events / Dates
Friday 27th November – School Development Day Friday 4th December - School Development Day
Tuesday 22nd December 2020 - Monday 4th January 2021 CLOSED - Christmas Holidays
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313