Primary 7 Newsletter Sept.’16
Dear parents,
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children back to another exciting new year. We hope your child settles back well and feels excited about the challenges ahead. Please find below a flavour of the learning your child will encounter in the coming months.
The class novel for Year 7 this year is Street Child which is set in Victorian times and centres on the main character, Jim’s fight for survival after his mother’s death. This ties in nicely with our topic in World Around Us which is Life in Victorian Times.
Pupils will examine the problems faced by characters and empathise with their points of view, finding suitable evidence from their Guided Reading text/novel. (Fiction)
The children will also interrogate non-fiction texts where they will extract statements of fact and opinion. They will compare the features of biography and autobiography and use this information to compose a biography on a famous Victorian.
We were delighted with the pupils’ response to the Accelerated Reading programme last year and hope that their enthusiasm continues in the year ahead. Again we would encourage the children to read daily and maintain a Reading Record book. We are confident that this sustained practice will foster a love of reading and help your child fulfil their potential in Language and Literacy.
The focus in Mathematics is Number work – Place Value, using the 4 operations to solve problems, considering the relationships between Fraction, Decimal and Percentages. Pupils may also have the opportunity to recall the properties of 2D shapes.
Your child has been provided with their login details for ALTA Maths. This programme motivates and engages your children and encourages them to become active participants in their mathematical learning. Please ensure your child completes the practice activities on a weekly basis.
Irish classes continue this year on Thursdays under the excellent tutelage of Mr. O’Farrell. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience a second language before moving to second level education. We’d encourage you to learn a ‘cúpla focal’ with your child.
Mrs. Kelly is taking the choir on a Monday afternoon during school time. All pupils will continue their Tin Whistle sessions with the talented Miss Mc Bride on Wednesdays. Again please ensure your child comes prepared and practises regularly.
Your children will have the opportunity to avail of Swimming lessons in the Leisure Centre this year. This is a marvellous chance for your child to learn a life skill. Rest assured that the children are well supervised by experienced staff while in the pool. Mrs. Flanagan’s class will attend from September to January while Mr. Loane’s lessons will be from February to June. Please ensure your child comes fully prepared with appropriate gear and a towel on that day. They have no need to bring any money as they won’t be in the shop. Hopefully, your children will also have access to specialised coaching sessions during the year. Day and time to be confirmed.
Mr. O’Neill will begin the Running Club at 8.20am starting on the week of Monday 12th September. Pupils can also avail of a 6 week Tennis programme beginning on 26th September after school.
Parent-Teacher Interviews:
We intend inviting you for an interview where we can discuss your child’s progress and suggest ideas for improvement. These will begin towards the end of September and will take place after 3pm.
The closing date for pupils to register for the Grammar School Entrance exam is 2.00pm, Friday 23rd September 2016. Further guidance is available at either Loreto Grammar or CBS. Please direct any queries regarding the exam to either of these schools as they are the designated centres for this area.
Mrs. Flanagan
Mr. Loane
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313