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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher
Mid-Term Break: School closed on Thursday 13th & Friday 14th February 2025 | Cake Sale on Friday 7th February Children can bring in some change to buy some tasty treats!  Proceeds towards the Year 7 Musical, Aladdin. [Open Image]
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Year 3 Reduce, reuse and recycle

16th Dec 2021

We all wrote individual letters to the recycling officer at Omagh council offices. We were very excited when our local recycling officer, Emmett Brogan, kindly wrote back and told us he would come to visit us.
He came to see us today. We were very excited! We learned lots and lots of interesting facts about recycling and even finished up with a fun quiz about taking care of our environment. Emmett gave us reusable plastic bottles, rulers and pencils.
Thank you so very much Emmett. We will all try very hard to be litter champions!