St Mary's Killyclogher Annual Cross Country 2023
Today we held our Annual Cross Country Run with fourteen local schools and over 440 children and their teachers attending.
Our sincere thanks to our school running team, Mr Sean McGowan, Mrs Aine Quinn and Mrs Bronagh Morgan for their time and support training our pupils throughout the year and to Miss Nicole McCann for helping with preparations for the Run. Thank you also to all parents, local runners and volunteers who came to help run today's races smoothly.
We are indebted to the McBride Retail Group for the sponsorship of drinks and snacks for all children who competed today. This is greatly appreciated.
We were delighted, once again, to have the use of the fine facilities at Killyclogher GAC and express our thanks to Donal, Tony, the Club Chairman and Commitee for permitting access to the grounds and facilities.
All children who attended showed great sportsmanship, competitive spirit and stamina. The boys and girls were a credit to their families and schools. Be proud everyone!
To all involved, thank you for making this such a successful event yet again this year!!
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313