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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher
SCHOOL CLOSED Friday 14th March and Monday 17th March 2025 | ☕ Coffee Morning Friday 21st March ☕ 9.00-10.30am in the School Canteen.   | Stranmillis University Maths Course Week 3 on Friday 21st March @9.30am
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Taekwondo Student of the Year!

21st Dec 2023

Congratulations to Nieve Latchford in Year 4 who has had wonderful achievement in her Taekwondo Juniors' Class. 

Nieve received her 3rd belt since starting in August 2022.  As well as receiving her blue and white belts, Nieve got awarded 'Student of the Year'!  Wow! Amazing Nieve! 

After only starting in September, this is an incredible achievement!