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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher


2nd Sep 2024
We are all very excited to be back at school, ready to have a great year of fun and...

2023/2024 School Year

27th Jun 2024
We had a fun-packed day at school at our ‘Beach Fun Day!’  Although...
27th Jun 2024
What a great way to finish off the school year with a trip to Duffland and then a...
27th Jun 2024
Miss McGinn’s class have been busy creating tie dye clothing. Have a look at...
25th Jun 2024
We brought our favourite Teddy into Nursery today, we had lots of fun!!
24th Jun 2024
Congratulations to the group of Year 7 pupils who successfully passed the Cycling...
21st Jun 2024
We cannot believe it is this time of year already. We have just graduated from Nursery...
18th Jun 2024
Primary 7 came to read their stories to Nursery this morning, the children loved...
18th Jun 2024
The Year 7s have been busy creating their storybooks this term. They’ve spent...