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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher


2023/2024 School Year

19th Apr 2024
Our caterpillars have grown so much within the space of one week! They are moving...
19th Apr 2024
Year 2 have been exploring alternative spellings for the ‘oa’ sound....
19th Apr 2024
Today, Year 1 searched for God’s creatures that live in our school grounds....
19th Apr 2024
This week in Year 1, we carried out a science experiment on absorption. We predicted...
19th Apr 2024
The boys and girls used counters to try and make various numbers. It was very competitive...
19th Apr 2024
Year 4 made lovely Spring inspired windows and they turned out wonderful! Well done...
18th Apr 2024
 Mrs Murphy’s class have been busy exploring connections between fractions...
17th Apr 2024
This week in Year 2 we have been learning all about dinosaur skeleton fossils. Have...