2020/2021 School Year
9th Oct 2020
Today in Mrs Quinn's Year 6 class the children began to make paper mache boat models.
7th Oct 2020
Mr Hurd, our RE Co-ordinator, led his Year 5 class today in recording a special...
6th Oct 2020
As part of Year 1’s topic ‘A Time to Rhyme’ the Year 1 children...
6th Oct 2020
We wrote a poem about chocolate using 2 words in each line.
Does it make you feel...
2nd Oct 2020
Year 3 having great fun during ‘Golden Time’ creating all different...
2nd Oct 2020
Well done to our September pupils of the month.
Emilija, Grainne and Iris
2nd Oct 2020
Well done to the ‘Leopards’ who won table of the week.
2nd Oct 2020
Our pupils of the month for September are Conan, Mason and Mollie. Well done!
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313