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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher


2023/2024 School Year

16th Apr 2024
Year 3 have been busy learning about symmetry and what makes different shapes symmetrical....
16th Apr 2024
It has been exactly 4 weeks today since we planted our seeds. Look at how they have...
16th Apr 2024
The Nursery children have been learning about our bones. Did you know we have 206...
12th Apr 2024
The boys and girls in Year 1/2 have been waiting all week for a very special delivery....
12th Apr 2024
A big shout out to our wonderful soloists and chorus! These children have been working...
12th Apr 2024
As we are doing the topic of People Who Help Us. We had two visitors in today to...
12th Apr 2024
The Year 7s had a very successful cake sale this morning to raise vital funds towards...
11th Apr 2024
In Nursery, we are doing the topic of People Who Help Us. We had a visit from our...