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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher
☕ Coffee Morning Friday 21st March ☕ 9.00-10.30am in the School Canteen.   | Stranmillis University Maths Course Week 3 on Friday 21st March @9.30am
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Year 1 Newsletter

11th Sep 2017

We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 1. We hope that this year will be fulfilling and enriching for your child. These parent newsletters will keep you informed of planned learning experiences and activities that your child will be involved in throughout the year.

From Friday 1st September until Friday 8th September school will finish at 12. 00pm. From Monday 11th September until Friday 15th September school will finish at 12.45pm. This means that your child will have school dinner or lunch in our school canteen before going home. Year 1 children will begin their full day at school (from 9.00 – 2. 00p.m) from Monday 18th September. Children will require a packed lunch or may order a dinner from the canteen at the cost of £2.60 per day. Please send dinner money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it.

The school currently has a healthy snack policy and we would encourage children to bring in a piece of fruit for morning snack. Treats can be kept for lunch-time.

Our school has a nut free policy and if your child has a severe allergy please let the class teacher know immediately. As we have children in classes this year with severe allergies we will have to be very strict about allowing fruit only at break time. We hope you understand how important it is that we do this.

Please ensure all jumpers, lunch boxes and items belonging to your child are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

From next Monday 11th Sept. Year 1 will take home a reading folder. In it will be an information sheet on reading with your child, a book list and a little reading book. Please read this book to/with your child and sign the sheet afterwards.

Your child will get a new book every Monday. The purpose of these little books are to promote enjoyment of reading and to reinforce skills being taught during Modelled/Shared reading sessions, for e.g. handling the book, looking at the front cover, title, using pictures to answer questions, re-telling the story in their own words.

Children are not expected to read these books independently. Please keep reading folders in schoolbags to ensure books are changed regularly.

During September and October our topics are” ‘People who help us” and Autumn. We will also be discussing Halloween. Your child will be taking part in the following activities:

  • An Autumn walk and setting up an Autumn interest table.
  • Identify the Autumn colours, orange, brown, red, gold etc.        
  • Making handprints using Autumn colours and adding these to our Autumn display of woodland animals
  • Discussing seasonal change regarding weather, the clothes we wear, the fall of Autumn leaves and animals that hibernate.
  • Participate in cooking activities, including making chocolate apples and making our own playdough!
  • Listening to and discussing in a variety of stories, rhymes and songs regarding the autumn season.

We thank you for your support and co-operation,

Mrs Murphy                   Mrs Mc Carron