Year 1 Trip to Dyan Mill Farm
We had a very fun packed adventure today! First, we played outdoors in the play park. Then we saw, petted and fed some pet lambs, goats and calves. We even fed the monkeys worms! Next, we sat down and got to hold a variety of animals and reptiles such as: a snake, a tortoise, a lizard, a chameleon, a tenrec. Some very brave children indeed! Indoors we saw animal homes and met more like the chinchillas, bunnies, parrots etc. We actually saw the flying squirrel- which we had just read about during the week! Next, we made our way past the meerkats to feed the goats and deer. Down at the ball pool wagon, we played again, drove trucks, played outdoor music etc. Then it was time for lunch, before visiting more animals and a last trip to the park. Thankfully, the rain stayed off until we were on the bus. A very memorable day, enjoyed by all!
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313