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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher
☕ Coffee Morning Friday 21st March ☕ 9.00-10.30am in the School Canteen.   | Stranmillis University Maths Course Week 3 on Friday 21st March @9.30am
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Year 4 Electrical circuits!

22nd Nov 2018

The boys and girls were busy learning how to build an electrical circuit. We predicted which materials are conductors / insulators and then set up a fair test to find out the answers. Again it's all about team work! We are also finding out about Thomas Edison and his inventions. We know that he helped to invent the light bulb which improved the quality of peoples' lives and he also made the first kinetograph which developed early movies. So the next time you go to the cinema to see a movie or simply switch on the light at home remember Thomas Edison and appreciate his great inventions!