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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher
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Year 7 Newsletter Nov.'19

6th Nov 2019

Dear parents,

We trust you and the children all had a happy Halloween break. Your children have all settled in well at this stage and have already shown their maturity in setting a great example as the oldest boys and girls in the school.


In Numeracy we will focus on the following topics this half-term:

  • Use and understand square numbers – link with area.
  • Find area/perimeter of regular & irregular shapes
  • Find volume of cuboids
  • Extend function machines to include the use of 2 operations.
  • Understand that a letter can stand for an unknown number.
  • Use negative numbers e.g. in context of measurement
  • Estimate/ measure/ calculate weight selecting the most appropriate unit in different situations.
  • Design and construct computer spreadsheet, and interrogate to create graphs.


In Literacy, much of our work will be embedded within our context for learning. In reading, pupils will continue to read the novel Street Child with a Victorian-based theme. We will focus on the main elements of narrative writing such as plot, characterisation, setting, theme and use of flashbacks, with pupils developing their abilities to discuss and write about these in more depth. In Reading we will examine features of non-fiction texts, developing skimming and scanning skills for quick retrieval of information. We will continue to work on comprehension strategies such as inference and close reading.

Pupils will continue the accelerated reading programme where they read books at home and complete quizzes in school. We would appreciate if you could discuss the reading material with your child to expand their knowledge and understanding of the text. We are delighted with most pupils’ response to the Accelerated Reading programme and hope that their enthusiasm continues. Again we would encourage the children to read daily and maintain a Reading Record book. We are confident that this sustained practice will foster a love of reading and help your child fulfil their potential in Language and Literacy.

World Around Us:

This half-term, our context for learning is “Inventions and Ingenuity”. We will discuss Victorian inventions and consider how they have had an impact on our lives. A range of primary and secondary sources will be used and evaluated by the pupils in order to develop their historical thinking and skills. In class, pupils will complete their Victorian Life powerpoints and biographies, and upload them to Fronter to exchange with their peers.


Irish classes continue on Thursdays under the excellent tutelage of Mr. O’Farrell. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience a second language before moving to second level education. We’d encourage you to learn a ‘cúpla focal’ with your child.




Mrs. Kelly conducts choir sessions on a weekly basis during school time. All pupils will continue their Tin Whistle sessions with the talented Miss Mc Bride on Wednesdays. Again please ensure your child comes prepared and practises regularly.



Your children have the opportunity to avail of Swimming lessons in the Leisure Centre. This is a marvellous chance for your child to learn a life skill. Rest assured that the children are well supervised by experienced staff while in the pool. Mrs. Quinn’s class will attend from September to January while Mr.Loane’s lessons will be from February to June. Please ensure your child comes fully prepared with appropriate gear and a towel on that day. They have no need to bring any money as they won’t be in the shop. Your children also have access to specialised coaching sessions in Hurling each Friday.


Mr. O’Neill will continue the Running Club at 8.20am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Please note that Confirmation is on Saturday 7th March 2020.

Mr Loane and Mrs Quinn