Attendance Matters
Attending school regularly is important for all children enrolled at St. Mary's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Killyclogher because of the link between attendance and attainment.
Regular attendance at school, combined with high-quality teaching and learning, ensures that pupils get the best possible outcomes from their time in nursery and primary education.
Equally, poor attendance at school can have a negative impact on the absent pupil with potentially negative consequences in terms of their future success.
Did you know...?
90% attendance means that a child is missing half a day of lessons every week. In a single year this would mean a child has missed four whole weeks. Over five years it means that a child has missed half a school year, or one and a half terms.
Holidays during Term Time
Term time holidays have been increasing over the last number of years.
Parents should make every effort to make sure that their child does not miss school due to holiday plans as this is likely to be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Miss school = Miss out!

St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313