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St Marys Primary School, Killyclogher


Welcome to St. Mary's Nursery Unit

Our Nursery is attached to, and very much part of, St. Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher.  Our Nursery pupils enjoy all the facilities of our primary school.  We cater for 26 girls and boys, aged between 3 and 4 years old.

Our ethos focuses on working in partnership with parents and carers, to provide a stimulating, positive and enriching experience for each child.  Our aim is to ensure that each child is happy, safe and making progress in their development.  We pride ourselves on working closely with parents and carers so that children are supported in their learning and in their transition to school life.

Learning is planned through progressive activities in the indoor and outdoor play areas, Circle Time activities, daily routines including a buffet snack, rhymes and jingles, music and story time. These activities are supplemented by regular trips outside the Nursery and by visitors who join us to enrich the experiences of the children. 

The class teacher, Mrs McCarron and the Nursery Assistant, Mrs Claire Rutledge, strive to ensure that our Nursery pupils play and work with high levels of independence, creativity and self-esteem, engaging fully in challenging and rewarding activities.



Mrs McCarron
Mrs McCarron

Nursery Teacher   

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Claire Rutledge
Claire Rutledge

Nursery Assistant



12th Mar 2025
St. Mary's has a long tradition of showcasing the Year 7 children's talents in a...
20th Mar 2025
We had a great morning on Wednesday, visiting Campsie Veterinary Centre as part...
13th Mar 2025
Nursery children made splatter green shamrocks this week by banging paint brushes...
13th Mar 2025
As part of our new topic ‘Old Macdonald’s Farm’, we have created...

A busy Killyclogher Construction Site


Music Making!


We're on the move!


Co-operation in Nursery!


Imaginative Role Play


Sand and Water Activities


Expressing artistic ideas


Latest Photographs


Class Photographs