News - Year 2 - Achievements
2020/2021 School Year
6th Nov 2020
Well done to the ‘Cheetahs’ who won table of the week. Keep up the great...
6th Nov 2020
Well done to Sam, Abigail and Caelan (missing from photo), who were the pupils of...
2nd Nov 2020
Well done to our ‘Panthers’ - Year 2 Table of the week 16/10/20....
12th Oct 2020
Well done to the ‘Giraffes’ who were the table of the week in Year 2....
2nd Oct 2020
Well done to the ‘Leopards’ who won table of the week.
2nd Oct 2020
Our pupils of the month for September are Conan, Mason and Mollie. Well done!
2019/2020 School Year
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313